Monday, July 29, 2013


So this past June my troop went to Chief Logan Scout Reservation in southern Ohio. This was our first year at this camp since we usually went to the local one. One unusual thing about this camp was that we had to set up (and tear down for that matter) our own tents. The comissioners generously provided us with a hammer-like device to ram in the ground stakes: bowling pins. Yes, bowling pins. These unusal tools prooved invaluably usefull. Besides their obvious use, we found another. Our troop hasn't had our axes sharpened or serviced in a while, so we only brought a hatchet. This was not to be a barrier for pyrom...I mean industrious scouts. We collected many logs (too large of course) from the camp woodpile and brought them to the axe yard. The ensuing sight was one I wish I had pictures for and better words to describe the hilarity of the scene. In the axe yard, one scout would either lightly swing the hatchet into the log or else place it there while the other scout wound up with a bowling pin to smash the hatchet through the log. One such scout, who shall remain nameless, was particularly good at this, smashing many logs and even more bowling pins. But, alas it was all for nought, because on the day before we left, this same scout managed to lodge the hatchet into a knot in this log. After repeated attempts to remoove it, we gave up. In the process though, we bent the handle ( bent it back later) and ruined the hatchet for all future use. Oops. Oh well. It cleaned up nicely for a trophy. Sadly, we haven't had a meeting in sometime now and I haven't been able to get it to the scout master. I hope he likes it, but until then I'll enjoy it. Not sure what type of wood it is. Maple maybe? If you know, please let me know.
The computer doesn't seem to want me to post the other close up shots, but I'll try again.

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